[video width="288" height="360" mp4="https://kuwaittimes.com/uploads/imported_images/uploads/2017/10/police-dog-expat.mp4"][/video]

KUWAIT: Relations and Security Information department said authorities were able to identify a patrolman who made disparaging remarks towards an expatriate man in a video clip that went viral on social media. The officer was summoned to face disciplinary measures.

Intruder arrested

A Jordanian man broke into a female citizen's house in Hawally in an attempt to rebuild their broken relationship. Najda patrols responded to a call made by the woman and arrested the man. The man confessed that he did not intend to hurt the woman in any way and only wanted to talk. The woman told police about the false promises the man made to her. The woman did not file charges, but took an undertaking that he does not approach or call her again.

Armed robbery

Ahmadi detectives are looking to identify and arrest a man driving an American-made vehicle who robbed a grocer at gunpoint in Sabahiya.

Missing wallet

A Bangladeshi man was involved an accident in Wafra where his car flipped over, and people helped him out of his vehicle. The man suffered from a critical shoulder injury and reported that his wallet with KD 180 was missing.

By Hanan Al-Saadoun and agencies