KUWAIT: Three passengers were arrested after arriving in Terminal 1 (T1) and Terminal 5 (T5) of Kuwait International Airport with possession of drugs. Airport customs arrested the suspects after hashish and psychoactive drugs were found on them during search, security sources said.

In other news, firemen battled a blaze which gutted the warehouse of the main building of the Communication and Navigation College of the Public Authority of Applied Education and Training yesterday. The building was evacuated before firefighters extinguished the flames. No injuries were reported, and a case was filed for investigations to reveal the cause of the fire.

KUWAIT: Some of the drugs found with the suspects

Separately, the supervisory team of engineering follow-up at the municipality in Jahra said power was cut from seven violating homes in Jahra as part of a campaign to fight the presence of "bachelors" in residential areas.

By Hanan Al-Saadoun