By Jamie Etheridge

drinking disinfectant or standing in sunlight kill the coronavirus?
The short answer is no. Despite persist fake news online and unscientific claims by politicians, scientists in several countries have reported no findings that confirm these wild theories.

Not sunlight.
Not drinking disinfectant.
Not drinking turmeric or lemon water or lots of water.
Not drinking bleach.

In fact, there is NOTHING proven by science that will prevent anyone 100 percent from getting coronavirus. There are vaccines under trial and insha'Allah one will prove successful but so far none have. People can reduce their chances of getting the virus by washing their hands thoroughly and according to published, medical guidelines.

People can reduce their chances of getting the virus by staying at home, reducing contact with other people and avoiding gatherings or crowded places. People can reduce their chances of getting the virus by wearing a mask and social distancing.

Even with all these measures, some estimates suggest that as much as 60-80 percent of the global population will get the coronavirus. For the vast majority of people, this will be a mild case that does not even require hospitalization. Unfortunately, for far too many, the COVID-19 infection could result in hospitalization and even death.

So it's scary. It is serious. It is stressful and the stay at home measures, the closures of businesses and the total lockdown, while distressing and financially painful, are absolutely necessary. And it may seem absurd to have to say again but no, drinking disinfectant or standing in sunlight will not kill the virus or keep you from getting sick. (