I have hypertrichophobia (fear of body hair), I might be exaggerating it a bit but I really dislike body hair. As far as I remember I have tried many different epilation methods. I have tried waxing, sugaring, epilation devices, lasers, threading, electrology and even plucking with tweezers. I must admit, we women are lucky to be living in the 21st century where technology has served us well in almost every aspect especially in beauty industry to reserve and maintain our beauty. For the past eight years I used laser treatment to get rid of my hair body.
Before inventing the home laser hair removal devices, going to a specialized clinic for laser hair removal was my only convenient option and I must admit, it was life changing. Honestly throughout the years I could not help but notice that these devices where constantly getting better and more advanced. For women and men who do not have any idea about laser hair removal, briefly lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas with a device that beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles, where pigment in the follicles absorb the light which leads to destroying the hair.
The result varies from person to person. People with dark hair color and brownish/black and darker skin tone or with light brown and red, white or grey hair color are least to get perfect results, while people with black, dark brown, brown and dark blonde hair color with white, beige, light brown, medium brown and dark brown skin tone get the best results in general. I had the chance to try the Panasonic Cordless IPL Hair Remover System with Facial Skin Glow Enhancer. After my experience with lasers and hair removal methods I had my doubts, but I have to confess that my experience was really impressive. I have been using it for almost two months now.
When I received it I was very excited to try it. I liked the shape and the color of it. It is sleek and easy to charge and to my surprise it is light in weight (compared to the big and huge appliances in the clinics). It's easy to grab and very apt to use on any body part. Before trying it I advise you to read the instructions in the catalogue carefully. I have to admit, it did take me a while maybe two, to get used to the pressure required and understand how the device works. But after understanding its system you will enjoy using it especially because it is cordless and pain free.
Yes, believe it or not it is pain free, you will feel heat in places more than other in your body, but compared to the other laser hair removal in the clinics, I felt a difference in the amount of pain on my body. Make sure to shave any unwanted hair first from the area you want to treat before proceeding with the appliance. Then direct it on the desired area that you want the hair to be removed from, press it and you will see a flash of light, wait for the beep and repeat.
Two attachments will be accompanied with the appliance, the face and body attachment for more precision. It has five intensity settings to control the heat and UV filter for skin protection. In the catalogue, directions are written on how often you can use it, for example you can use it once every two weeks for the first two months, and then use it once every four weeks from the 3rd month onward for legs and arms. As for underarms, bikini and face, you can use it once every week for the first two months and once every two weeks from the 3rd month onward.
After approximately two months of using the appliance I have witnessed that the hair growth has been reduced. The only thing that bothered me was the strong red light that emits from the flash of light, and I think that a special eyeglass should be accompanied with the appliance to protect the eyes. Remember to charge it before your first use and it also has a long battery life. Panasonic Cordless IPL Hair Remover System reduces hair growth but in my opinion it's not designed to remove unwanted hair permanently but the appliance is made to slow it down, unwanted hair will gradually grow back if treatment is stopped. What is interesting in this device is the extra treat that they have added to it which is the Facial Skin Glow enhancer. I did feel a slight change in my skin, but my concern was more on the hair removal.
If you are looking for a way to save time, money and be in control of the unwanted hair, I advice you to buy it, but if you are looking for a permanent solution, I do believe that the devices in a special clinic are way better.
By Sahar Moussa