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Western countries and Zionists are collaborating to manipulate the image of Arab people. This collaboration has become increasingly prevalent, with a particular focus on Islam and Arab Islam. The campaign to distort the Arab image did not begin recently; rather, it has its roots in decades past. Some suggest that even the BBC radio was among the first to adopt this campaign, eroding Arab confidence in their identity and values. Many media-savvy individuals have collected numerous examples of this phenomenon.

Some Arabs may defend these foreign media outlets, arguing that they are funded by taxpayers to provide news, promote democracy, or present alternative viewpoints not commonly heard in Arab countries. Media researchers commonly agree that the tools of persuasion employed by media outlets serve to shape the recipient’s perception, known as the “policy of acquiescence” (as described in Walter Lippmann’s 1922 book, “Public Opinion”).

Over the past decades, the media’s content in the form of news, discussions, and cultural exchanges is perceived to have contributed little to the development of the Arab world. Instead, it is seen as having diminished Arab pride and self-confidence while elevating the Western world, until we got the Western inferiority complex, seeking the help of foreign expertise, studying in foreign schools and being treated in foreign hospitals.

Today, many decision-makers in the Arab world, influenced by foreign media messages from earlier generations, readily seek the assistance of foreign experts as the easiest solution to their problems. This extends to the point where figures like Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister, who brags to be an LGBTQ symbol, was hired to duplicate reports from Arab experts and present them as solutions. It is not uncommon to find individuals within Arab countries advocating for foreign medical teams, scientists, and experts, even among members of our National Assembly, who are expected to prioritize the nation and its people.

Past experiences involving foreign assistance have often failed to develop aspects of Arab life, leading some to recall instances such as the Canadian management of Kuwait Cancer Control Center (KCCC), which resulted in a significant financial loss of KD 25 million and inefficiency. In contrast, experiences involving local experts within Arab institutions have been more successful in various areas, such as the social security system, citizen services and cooperatives, which were initiated by citizens themselves.

In today’s interconnected world, global communication allows for easy collaboration and access to knowledge and expertise from across the globe. You can live in a remote town in India and be closer to a scientist in a faraway country, closer than a colleague who works in the same establishment. Arab countries, like Kuwait and others in the Gulf and Arab region, have the potential to harness the skills and capabilities of their own people. However, resistance to this change persists, due to a sense of humiliation instilled by Western media.

India is going ahead, Japan is ahead of the West, China is near global crowning, Malaysia achieved a miracle, South American countries have entered the race, Turkey has developed and Bangladesh took the express development train, but we are still demanding help from the West to take our money and make fun of us. We still invite them to come and help us to go backwards, while others are going forward at the hands of their people. The critical question remains: Is this resistance to change due to ignorance and oversight on our part, or is it part of an ongoing conspiracy?