KUWAIT: Director General of Residency Affairs Department Brig Abdelqader Al-Shaaban held an inspection tour of residency affairs departments to check the procedures of renewal and issuance of residencies and follow up the implementation of ministerial decision no. 135/2019 cancelling residency stickers. Shaaban met some citizens and expats, explaining the necessity to benefit from online services the department is implementing in cooperation with the Public Authority for Civil Information.

In other news, the traffic department, in cooperation with Public Authority for Roads and Transport, announced the opening of a new entrance from Ghazali Road (through the service road) to Khalid Eqab Al-Ashab Street leading to Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh as part of the final works of the 6.5 Ring Road project with two lanes from March 11.
By Hanan Al-Saadoun