KUWAIT: The gardens, streets and squares of Kuwait are adorned with bright yellow flowers of the newer color in a scene that causes happiness and joy in the hearts of the onlookers and makes them feel comfortable. And serenity coincides with the national celebrations in the month of February. The omnipresence of daisy flowers known locally as 'Nuwair' has become increasingly conspicuous during winter in Kuwait as many regard them as lively emblems of serenity and happiness.
Nuwair' flowers filled close clusters covering the land of the country with their beautiful yellow color. It was called the Nuwair because it is like the sun in its splendor and brilliance. It is one of the beautiful annual plants that bloom in the months of January and February, as its flowers open at sunrise and then close when the sun rises.
According to Kuwaiti astronomer and historian Adel Al-Saadoun, the 'Nuwair' is not a particular species of flowers, but a class of indigenous, desert plants spherical in shape, illuminating rays of yellow reminiscent of sunshine. It is with the onset of spring that flowers known locally as "Al-Hanwa", "Al-Houthan", "Al-Zamlouk", "Al-Marar" ,"Al-Atheed" and "Crow man " fully blossom.
"Al-Hanwa", a species of flowers that thrives during the months of January and February, is renowned for its orangey scent that can only be sensed in proximity to the flower, Al-Saadoun had described. Meanwhile, "Al-Houthan", is a species of flowers that contains five round petals that are fragmented into three parts, he said. Moreover, the astronomer depicted the "Al-Marar" as being 25 centimeters in length with leaves resembling spoons that are yellowish in color with black shades in the middle. - KUNA