I read an interesting report last week that brought back a lot of memories from the past. The ministry of communications called on all users of landlines to pay their bills, otherwise an automated system will start disconnections. The ministry will send a warning message on Sunday, Oct 14 to subscribers, followed by a second warning message on the 20th.
The ministry said after the second warning message, it will start to cut the service of those who fail to pay from Oct 28. The ministry noted that the maximum limit is KD 50 for residential lines and KD 100 for commercial phones. Those who are paying their bills in monthly installments will also face disconnections in the event of a delay in payment. Service will also be cut of postpaid subscribers for a period of six months or more for non-Kuwaitis and for Kuwaitis in the commercial category.
I guess the warning is crystal clear. Yet I honestly feel that landline phones have been abandoned in most homes these days. I think 10 years ago, it was the favorite of everyone, but with the proliferation of mobile phones everywhere, it has been forgotten, making it a device that complains of isolation and no one sees it as a quick means of communication. Perhaps most landlines are now used by the elderly because of the difficulty of dealing with modern technology. But it still exists strongly in government departments.
I also think that revenues from landlines may be an important source of income for the state, especially since government agencies cannot do without it. We all know that the landline went through a difficult period with the spread of the mobile phone, but when the ministry announced years ago that all calls from landlines to mobile will be free of charge, it regained its position.
I prefer the mobile phone for many reasons. It provides details that everyone needs in record time, as I do not remember the majority of the numbers of my colleagues and family members. Also, it has all social media links and there is no doubt that these modern technologies are helping people stay in touch with their relatives and loved ones, regardless of the distances, and help in communicating easily. For mothers, mobile phones are important to stay connected with children and teenagers wherever they go. If you have poor memory, you can save the contact details of everyone, unlike the old phone which required a phonebook.
I know that there are many things that have been marginalized by technology. These are not limited to the home phone, but include cameras and radios, for example. I believe technology today has made communication easier and faster, and everything is available without effort. I think the ministry has become fully aware of this, because it added that it is possible for the public to pay their bills via the ministry's website. So whoever hasn't paid their bills, if you don't want to lose the sound of "hello", proceed to pay your dues.
By Muna Al-Fuzai
[email protected]