KUWAIT: Head of the operations sector at Sidra Hospital Osama Al-Sultan said a new sterilization system has been put into operation at the central sterilization department of the hospital. He said this system is the most advanced sterilization and infection control technology worldwide. He said the operation of the new system is in agreement with the administration's vision to raise the level of medical services the hospital extends to its patients.
Sultan said the installation and operation of the modern sterilization system comes as part of Sidra Hospital's ambitious strategy to extend integrated medical services for all family members in various specialties. He said the implementation of that vision required upgrading infrastructure and supplies of the most modern medical technology to reflect the new philosophy, which includes all society members, adding that the hospital now presents medical services at the highest level of efficiency with reasonable cost that is accepted by the great majority of citizens and expats through a distinguished medical team and highly efficient healthcare providers.
Sultan said Sidra Hospital is considered the first and a pioneer at the Arabian Gulf region level. It operates this modern system and uses this advanced technology, adding that a contract was signed with Central Circle Company.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Sales at Central Circle Company Nizar Salem said the V-PROmax2 system by STERIS Company (USA) is considered the most recent and developed in the field of sterilization and infection control. He said the American company is considered one of the pioneering companies specialized in the field of sterilization and infection control. He said technicians and operators at Sidra Hospital were trained on the use of the system, adding that the system works with hydrogen peroxide fumes to deal with surgical tools and sterilize them efficiently, with high quality at a high speed.
Salem said the existence of such a system is important to implement international quality standards to prevent infection due to the exposure of surgical tools, which will boost safety for the patient for a speedy recovery, while reducing the stay period at the hospital.