KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health (MOH) recently approved the new regulations chart of hiring non-Kuwaiti doctors and other medical staff by signing them to temporary contracts according to the Locum system.
The new chart includes not allowing any of the hired staff members to leave Kuwait without permission from MOH. The new conditions also include a one-month trial period to examine a candidate's technical skills, after which the contract is terminated if the hired staff member appears to be below bar. The chart also limited the contract period to a non-renewable three months within any given year.
According to the new chart, the locum system does not apply to hiring doctors or medical staff locally, be them working for the private sector or residing in Kuwait. In addition to verifying applicants' résumés and qualification accreditation, the new system states that locum staff members are not entitled to any vacations except for the official days-off and leaves system followed in facilities they work at.
In addition, locum medical staff will work five days a week, enjoy full health services in case of sickness and will be subjected to filling an evaluation sheet in case the facility manager decides hiring any given locum doctor and explains why the decision was made. - Al-Anbaa