KUWAIT: NBK's Public Relations Assistant General Manager, Manal Al-Mattar, said that NBK's "Do Good Deeds in Ramadan" philanthropic drive initiated by NBK 30 years ago, is leveraging innovative approaches this year in response to COVID-19 pandemic. "At NBK, we are driven to better understand how social responsibility can be used as an opportunity to support the front liners efforts, marginalized communities and lifesaving needs such as food and other kinds of social support," she added.

For almost three decades, the Ramadan program comprised a series of activities and initiatives aimed at encouraging community engagement and solidarity in Kuwait. "During these unprecedented times, NBK hopes to encourage a greater sense of responsibility during the holy month," Mattar noted.

Food rescue

NBK Ramadan Social Program includes more than 3000 "Ramadan Baskets" to low-income families. This initiative is a-food solidarity initiative that is launched in partnership with Refood to make a difference in the community. The basket contains a variety of items that meet the needs of the beneficiary families during the holy month. Through this initiative, rescuing food and saving the environment goes hand in hand. Refood's initiative works to bridge-the gap between excess food in the industry that would've gone to waste and instead give it to those in need across Kuwait.

In addition, NBK presented a donation to the KRCS to support its efforts and help smoothing the vaccination process in Kuwait Vaccination Center in Kuwait International Fairground in Mishref. The donation included providing golf carts to give elderly patients and people with disability free rides from and to the parking area. Throughout NBK social media channels, awareness videos from doctors are posted to highlight the effectiveness and safety of vaccines and correcting misinformation being shared.

Promoting health

NBK Mobile ATM will be visiting different parks in Kuwait during the outdoor exercise period allowed during the curfew. NBK will be challenging people who achieved or exceeded 10 thousand steps walking to win prizes. This initiative aims at promoting positive health effects and wellbeing. NBK Ramadan Social Program will includes daily awareness videos, competitions and health tips through the official social media channels of NBK.

Despite social distancing, NBK is organizing a group of health events for staff that includes clinical visits to doctors for consultation. These events focus mainly on mental health and online education. In addition, NBK has a schedule full of fun and rewarding activities for staff including the traditional Graish celebration, which was, organized Live this year through the employees Instagram channel I Am NBK. It witnessed an array of entertaining activities and contests. These staff activities aim to bring NBK family closer and find a way to demonstrate the ties between NBK family members are stronger in these difficult times.