KUWAIT: Reflecting its dedication to deliver on its CSR mission in all fields, especially healthcare, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) continued its annual campaign to raise awareness among the whole society, and women in particular, about breast cancer dangers, prevention methods, and the importance of early detection. As it is NBK’s tradition to adopt innovative ways in extending social support, it participated in supporting the breast cancer awareness campaign this time by sharing a post on social media asking NBK followers to write an inspirational message to patients.

The overall engagement exceeded expectations as it received over 500+ comments and likes. In cooperation with Floward, NBK team extracted the comments and handwrote them on special cards added to flower bouquets from Floward to give away to all the patients during their visit to Hussain Makki Juma Hospital. The patients loved the messages and expressed their gratefulness to receive wishes from people they do not know, which gives them significant moral support in their battle against the disease.

Speaking on this, Farah Bastaki, Digital Communications Managerat National Bank of Kuwait said: "We are always honored to perform our corporate social responsibilities, especially in healthcare, as we intensify efforts to provide the necessary support to this sector, including its facilities, innovative treatment methods, and awareness campaigns.” "Our support of healthcare and awareness initiatives is part of delivering on our social responsibility, which is instrumental in our endeavors to achieve sustainability,” she added.

"NBK firmly believes in the importance of raising awareness among society in all fields, especially healthcare sector, as high level of awareness is crucial to build a future in which all segments of society enjoy sustainable growth and prosperity,” she underscored. "NBK’s annual awareness campaign in October, which coincides with World Breast Cancer Awareness Month, includes sharing awareness messages on our social media platforms to encourage early screening and raise awareness about the risks of the disease, which poses a major threat to women’s health,” she noted.

NBK has a rich record of leading healthcare initiatives including blood donation campaigns, as well as providing all sorts of supports to hospitals and healthcare organizations and societies in Kuwait. The bank also organizes frequent multi-purpose awareness activities and campaigns to promote health awareness and encourage healthy lifestyle among the community at large.