KUWAIT: Deputy Chief of the National Guard Sheikh Faisal Al-Nawaf Al-Sabah directed on Sunday the continuation of exercises and data to align with the latest technologies and operational methods in the field of protection and security. This directive was issued in a statement by Sheikh Faisal, as quoted in a press release issued by the National Guard.

This statement followed an inspection tour he conducted of the First Protection Brigade, during which he was briefed on the operations of the Third Facilities Protection Battalion responsible for safeguarding the state’s critical infrastructure. This infrastructure includes the Doha East and West power plant, water distillation facilities and the Mutlaa transmission station. Sheikh Faisal emphasized the vital role played in securing these critical sectors, which are the lifeblood of the country.

National Guard’s critical role in securing Kuwait’s vital infrastructure stressed
National Guard’s critical role in securing Kuwait’s vital infrastructure stressed
National Guard’s critical role in securing Kuwait’s vital infrastructure stressed

“The capabilities and expertise we observed in the field of protection, inspection and interactions with the public reflect our ongoing efforts to enhance the National Guard forces and equip them with the best weapons and equipment,” he noted. The statement further mentioned that during his tour, Sheikh Faisal was briefed on the procedures employed in the insurance process, inspection devices, equipment used at entry points and the protocol for handling vehicles and individuals, as well as the deployment of fixed and mobile patrols around these sites to ensure the security of fences and facilities.