KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti Namaa Charitable Society has distributed relief aid to more than 4,500 displaced people in Yemeni camps in Maarib to help families in need of basic food supplies in light of the current situation there.

The director of the relief department at the association, Khaled Al-Shammari, confirmed on the sidelines of the campaign that the urgent relief projects come in response to the call of some Yemenis who are passing through difficult humanitarian and living conditions with high poverty, increased unemployment rates, and the spread of hunger.

"During the campaign, 500 food baskets were distributed, including eight basic food items. About 2,500 displaced people benefited from the program," Al-Shammari said, noting that many have been displaced and have been in camps. Namaa Charity targets the neediest and poorest segments.

Al-Shammari pointed out that Kuwaiti Hands of Good contributes to tackling food insecurity in the Yemeni regions and leaving a good impact on the hearts of the displaced. - KUNA