KUWAIT: The Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and the Minister of State for Communications Affairs, Fahad Al-Shula, issued a ministerial decision approving the Municipal Waste Management and Public Hygiene Regulation. The new regulation includes 33 articles and cancels the Ministerial Resolution 190 of 2008 regarding the Hygiene and Hygiene Transport Regulation and its amendments.

Among the highlights of the new regulation is that it is permissible to allow barbecue on public beaches according to the rules issued by a decision of the Director General of the Municipality. Barbecue is prohibited on sidewalks, streets, roads, squares, public squares, public facilities, state-owned land, and parks. On the other hand, the municipality put the eastern and western chalets in Doha on the radar for monitoring.

They began a campaign to remove violations, infringements, abandoned vehicles, and boats. The municipality indicated that leaving vehicles and boats in places other than the designated areas will attract legal action. He explained that a number of vehicles and boats have been removed.