KUWAIT: The Parliamentary Human Resources Committee informed the government that it is preparing amendments to the Civil Service Law that will be ready in the next round of assembly meetings, to begin on October 26, under which new requirements will be added for the appointment of expatriates in government sectors. Sources revealed to Kuwait Times: "The most prominent of these amendments is that the appointment of non-Kuwaitis must be published in the Official newspaper, including in all official bodies and companies owned by the government and subject to the control of the Audit Bureau.

The door for grievance or appeal against their appointment decisions will be open for 60 days from the date of publication.” The amendments emphasize that non-Kuwaitis can only be appointed after announcing the job opportunity with its required qualifications in the Official Gazette and official media to ensure transparency and put a stop to any violations in this regard. Priority will be given to Kuwaitis in all cases, sources added.

"If it turns out that there are Kuwaitis more entitled to get the job due to having a similar specialization, the appointment of the expatriate will be terminated and is considered void,” sources said, pointing that the Civil Service Bureau must inform the entity that appointed this expatriate to terminate the appointment immediately.

Sources indicated that these procedures come in line with the state’s directions to Kuwaitize government jobs, and not to hire expatriates except for jobs that suffer from a shortage in the number of Kuwaitis. The amendments are in accordance with the country’s efforts to adjust demographics and reduce the number of expatriates in proportion to the number of Kuwaitis.