KUWAIT: MP Askar Al-Enezi yesterday made a comprehensive proposal to create a large number of jobs in the public and private sector enough to employ Kuwaitis seeking jobs. The lawmaker called for major changes to existing legislation and procedures in addition to conducting comprehensive surveys in the two sectors to make it easier for unemployed nationals to find suitable jobs.
Enezi called on authorities to survey all Kuwaiti job seekers based on their qualifications and experience besides the jobs they want. After that, authorities must conduct a compulsory survey on expatriates employed in public sector jobs and conditions and experience needed for such jobs, he said. This should be followed by procedures to employ Kuwaitis in place of expatriates based on experience and education, the lawmaker proposed.
Enezi then said the authorities should turn to the private sector and survey the types of jobs that are available and can be filled by Kuwaitis. He said that in the process, the labor law in the private sector and other related legislation must be revised to create a better competitive environment for Kuwaitis to work in the private sector.
The lawmaker said that the recruitment of foreign labor should be given exclusively to the ministry of social affairs and labor which should accelerate such recruitment only when there are no Kuwaitis to take up the job.
By B Izzak