MP Dr Abdullah Al-Turaiji

KUWAIT: MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji said that Kuwait's embassy in Thailand was very inconsiderate with a citizen on vacation there and that this resulted in the death of the citizen's son.

Turaiji explained that citizen Anwar Botaiban told him that his son had a medical problem and that he called the embassy several times to help him, but his attempts went in vain and he received no reply. The citizen added that his son died as a result of this delay.

Turaiji stressed that all embassies abroad were doing a great job except for the one in Thailand, which he described as 'flying solo', and urged first deputy PM and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaed to investigate the matter and hold those responsible accountable.

Assistant engineers

The head of the Kuwaiti Assistant Engineers and Technicians Syndicate Adel Al-Doukhi stressed that the syndicate helps all assistant engineers and technicians of all specialties, namely those working for the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR). Doukhi added that a meeting would be held with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) officials after the Eid Al-Adha holiday to discuss the problems assistant engineers are facing and to demand their rights.

By Meshaal Al-Enezi