MP Saleh Ashour

KUWAIT: MP Salah Ashour yesterday lodged a grilling motion against Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for Planning Affairs and Development Hind Al-Subaih, in line with clauses number 100 and 101 of the Kuwaiti Constitution. The grilling motion, Ashour described, consists of two items, with one dealing with alleged attempts to "privatize cooperative societies," while the other relates to "cessation of assistance to orphans."

As prescribed in clause number 100 of the Kuwaiti Constitution, "all MPs are obligated to stand before the Prime Minister and Cabinet to answer any interrogations called against them," Ashour noted. Moreover, clause number 101 states that "every minister is responsible for the works of their respective ministries, and once a minister loses Parliament's trust, a motion of distrust would be filed, which would require the minister to resign."

Parliament Speaker Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem announced that the grilling would take place in Parliament's March 15 session. In a statement to the press, Ghanem said that Subaih reserves the right to request a delay in proceedings, adding that "she also has the right to face the interrogation process during the next parliamentary session, if she so chooses."

"If there is a request for a delay, then Parliament would vote on whether it would happen," Ghanem said. Despite a recent spike in grilling motions, Ghanem assured that "it would not interfere with Parliament's agenda, and that all pending issues would be addressed." As per clause number 135 of the National Assembly Charter, "a grilling motion would only take place at least eight days after such motion was called."

Earlier yesterday, Subaih stressed that political probing is guaranteed by the Kuwaiti constitution, hence, it's every MP's right to practice it even if it was done against her capacity as the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor. - KUNA