By A Saleh

KUWAIT: The Civil National Movement yesterday issued a statement about the agenda of today's parliamentary session, including the comprehensive amnesty bill. The statement hailed the "endless number of citizens' spontaneous tendency" to flock to the National Assembly today to attend the session and stop what it described as constant "fooling around" with proposals made by the parliamentary legislative affairs committee about the amnesty bill and the government's maneuvering through its "representative" in parliament - the speaker and his followers there. The statement said ever since dissolving the parliament in 2012, an unconstitutional law was used to bring in lawmakers who do not actually represent the nation.

Kuwaitis' employment
MP Osama Al-Shaheen said the parliamentary human resources committee decided making a legislative amendment prioritizing the employment of Kuwaitis, followed by the children of Kuwaiti women, and then Arabs. "We hope we can provide enough job opportunities for Kuwaitis and set a mechanism to employ the children of Kuwaiti women," he said. Meanwhile, Shaheen wished Minister Mariam Al-Aqeel all the best in being appointed minister of social affairs and minster of state for economic affairs.

MEW undersecretary
New Minister of Electricity and Water Mohammed Bushehri authorized engineer Hmoud Al-Roudhan to act as MEW undersecretary in addition to doing his duties as assistant undersecretary for water projects. Notably, the MEW's undersecretary position became vacant after the appointment of Bushehri as minister. Informed sources said Bushehri will select a new undersecretary by next month at most. The sources added there is a likelihood of selecting the undersecretary from outside MEW.