Nearly a quarter of Kuwait's entire population is under the age of 14 and yet with the exception of school assemblies, we never hear their voices. During Ramadan, Kuwait Times likes to publish a special series that engages with its readership in a more direct, personal way to learn their concerns, issues and viewpoints.
This Ramadan, we will chat with some of our youngest readers about their lives in Kuwait, in an attempt to see the world through their eyes. What do they see for the future of our beautiful country? What would they improve and how would they change it? By listening to their future plans, stories, and experience in Ramadan, we can remind ourselves and hopefully our readers of the ties that bind us all together as a species. These are the voice of Kuwait's future and we invite them to share their thoughts with us here.
Talia Hussain is a five-year-old kindergartener from Salmiya. Talia is obsessed with shopping and makeup.
Kuwait Times: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Talia: I want to be a doctor or a pharmacist like my parents.
KT: What is your experience in Ramadan?
Talia: I love Ramadan because my mother always cooks delicious meals - the soups are my favorite.
KT: What do you want to change about Kuwait or the world?
Talia: I would change my school and make a world without schools because I hate schools.
KT: What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
Talia: I love to make handmade flowers.
KT: Tell me how will you use your allowance.
Talia: I will give some of it to poor people and then go shopping with the rest.
By Faten Omar