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Lawmakers urge premier to face interpellation in public debate

By B Izzak

KUWAIT: MP Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf on Thursday filed to grill HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf Al-Sabah over allegations that he failed to implement contents of the historic address of HH the Amir delivered in June 2022 and that he refused to answer questions sent by MPs. The lawmaker also charged there was uncertainty and confusion about the public policies of the prime minister.

The grilling will be listed for debate on the agenda of the Nov 28 regular session of the National Assembly. However, the premier can demand to delay the debate for two weeks. After the grilling, MPs can file a non-cooperation motion against the prime minister, which if approved by a simple majority of elected members, will go to HH the Amir, who will decide whether to dismiss the prime minister or dissolve the National Assembly.

Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf
Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf

In his grilling, MP Mudhaf said the address of HH the Amir, delivered on his behalf by HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in June last year, was historic and very important, because the political leadership reemphasized on the democratic experience of Kuwait and paved the way for fundamental political reforms.

Mudhaf claimed that the prime minister has backtracked on the commitment to implement the contents of the address, ignoring it in the government’s address at the opening of the new term of the assembly on Oct 31. He insisted that political reforms are extremely essential, as they set the stage for other reforms. Mudhaf also charged that public policies adopted by the prime minister have been characterized with uncertainty, ambiguity and confusion. He also said the prime minister has refused to answer a host of questions sent to him by several lawmakers under the pretext that they were unconstitutional.

Several MPs called on HH the Prime Minister to face the grilling and accept a public debate in the National Assembly, adding that the premier should not send the grilling to the Assembly’s legal committee or to the constitutional court to rule if the grilling is in line with the constitution. MP Mubarak Al-Hajraf said the prime minister should debate the grilling and refute the allegations during a public debate in the Assembly.

MP Mubarak Al-Tasha said the prime minister and his government should abide by the rule of the constitution and accept the grilling. MP Jenan Bushehri called on the premier to face the grilling, saying this is a victory for Kuwait’s democracy.

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