By Ghadeer Ghloum

With the new academic year approaching, Kuwait Times spoke to Al-Kawther Ghloum, a high-achieving student, for some tips related to time management that may help students in their study and enable them to succeed. These tips include making some time for rest and enjoyment and reducing the pressure associated with this period, especially for high school students.

Identify priorities

According to Ghloum, students should be aware of their priorities and then create a schedule accordingly. "Identify your most important tasks and prioritize them accordingly. Focus on completing your most important tasks first in order to ensure that you stay on track with your academic responsibilities, then create a daily or weekly schedule that includes all your classwork tasks and homework tasks, and make sure to have a short break (15 to 25 minutes) between each assignment,” she said.

One task at a time

Ghloum said that students might think that by multitasking they can achieve more in less time; however, this can be overwhelming, especially for high school students, because the subjects are no longer combined in one book. For instance, science is divided into four separate subject such as chemistry, physics, biology and geology, and each has its own pile of requirements. Therefore, breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks can help students stay motivated and make progress consistently.

Meanwhile, attempting to multitask can often lead to decreased productivity and inefficiency. She also highlighted that to be able to give full attention to each task, students must set specific deadlines and stick to them. "Set specific deadlines for completing tasks and assignments because this will track your progress and keep you motivated,” Ghloum said.

Take a breather

"Because it is hard for students to eliminate all forms of distractions, especially their smartphones, for a long period of time, it would be helpful to take regular breaks to check on your phone. I suggest setting a timer of 45 minutes of consistent study, then taking a break for about 15 minutes.

This will keep you motivated and focused during your study time, because you know that you will have a break soon,” Ghloum said. Inspired by the Pomodoro Technique, Ghloum suggests creating a balance between studying and taking a break in short periods of time.

She also emphasized on the importance of taking good care of one’s health, as she said that students need to get enough sleep, eat well in the morning and at school, and try to exercise, or at least walk 30 minutes daily, since taking care of one’s physical and mental well-being will boost students’ productivity and ability to focus.