KUWAIT: The Union of Private Medical Professionals, headed by Dr Essam Al-Saleh, met with Acting Director of the Public Authority for Manpower, Marzouq Al-Otaibi, and the Deputy Director of the Planning and Administrative Development Sector Rabab Al-Osaimi, in the presence of Dr Hisham Yousef Abu Al-Jubain, Secretary General of the Union, Alaa Al-Meshari, member of the Board of Directors, to discuss the most important obstacles and challenges facing the private medical sector.

The President of the Union of Private Medical Professionals, Dr Essam Al-Saleh said: "We discussed issuing licenses for nurses and laboratory technicians in the private medical sector, which faces obstacles in some governorates as a result of manpower authority policies, especially Hawally Governorate. "Otaibi promised to find solutions as soon as possible and circulate the decision to equalize job titles recognized by the Ministry of Health to those used in the Public Authority for Manpower,” he added.

Dr Al-Saleh pointed out that the meeting also discussed the issue of opening the door for employment of doctors from the Arab Republic of Egypt and other countries whose nationals are currently not allowed to work in the country. The union discussed the issue due to the current need for these doctors in the medical sector. Director Al-Otaibi said that the issue of contracting with doctors from the State of Egypt is not related to the authority. It is a decision issued by the Council of Ministers and is currently under study.