By Nawara Fattahova

KUWAIT: Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) inspectors went on a regular inspection of residences of workers in Khaitan on Wednesday. The inspectors checked the conditions of their housing, visa validity and other safety measures.

Iman Al-Ansari, deputy general director for planning and development sector at PAM, said more conditions have been set by PAM during the present situation. "This includes disinfecting their housing daily as precaution against the spread of coronavirus. Also, there should be enough space in each unit, so it's not allowed to have more than four people living in a 4 x 4 meter room. Furthermore, bunk beds are not allowed, and it's not allowed to have more than one person using the same bed," she told Kuwait Times.

"If the company notices any worker is suffering from flu-like symptoms, they should isolate him and inform the ministry of health, so he can be taken for medical checks. In case he is not infected with the coronavirus, he can return to the residence. The company is also obliged to provide thermal devices to measure the temperature of the workers daily when they leave the house and when they return," explained Ansari.

"Most coronavirus cases registered in Kuwait were among workers in their residences. So it is the responsibility of their employers to make the workers aware of the precautions they should follow, and they should also provide safety measures for the workers," she concluded. During the tour, a few fines were issued by the PAM inspectors including for a lack of facemasks and gloves for the workers, and having bunk beds in some rooms.