Muna Al-Fuzai

When I was alittle girl, they taught me that my country Kuwait and Lebanon are similar inmany ways, especially when my family and I used to spend our summer vacationsthere, until the long and bloody civil war appeared and took away manybeautiful things with it. Lebanon has been subject to injustice and difficultconditions for many years, yet it managed to unite and defy the circumstances.But, new protests swept Lebanon last weekend.

Thousands ofLebanese people demonstrated in a number of cities against taxes the governmentannounced it would impose next year. Demonstrators gathered in downtown Beirutdemanding the downfall of the government. The protests focused on criticism ofthe government's management of the economy and the way it seeks to increasenational income in the 2020 budget. Protesters burned tires and blocked roadsaround the country, and security forces used tear gas to disperse them.

On Fridayevening, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri gave his cabinet partners 72hours to come up with a way out of the economic crisis in Lebanon. So, afterlong hours of angry protests, there was a cautious calm and anticipationwaiting for what would be the appropriate solution from the government to fixthe situation.

It has been saidthat the government's pursuit of new taxes was not the only reason that fueledpublic anger, but the cost of living also had provoked the anger of the public.After two days of tension, life has returned to normal on most roads indowntown Beirut.

Now, I think thatthe problem is not with the occurrence of demonstrations, but the dilemma hereis that the confidence of the Arab citizen in the government's performance isoften nonexistent or low, which is not surprising because citizens judge thingsby what they see and deal with on a daily bases. For example, when there is anincrease in prices of goods, it is usually not felt by high-income people orgovernment officials, but the first victim is the citizen and expatriatebecause they bear the burden of increasing prices. So it is natural that theLebanese people would demand their government to intervene and find a solution.

Kuwaiti-Lebaneserelations are not just official ties between friendly countries, but are old,historical ones. Many Kuwaitis have real estate in Lebanon and consider Lebanontheir second home. Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development is active insupporting the Lebanese economy and its development projects. This reflects thedepth of relationship between the two countries. 

Lebanon today isin a state of calm and anticipation of a government response that satisfies thepublic, because I believe that the continuation of demonstrations will not bein favor of any group. The Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Lebanon called oncitizens who are intending to go to Lebanon to wait because of thedemonstrations there, calling on those who are there to be careful and stayaway from the gathering areas and of course. This warning is normal under the currentcircumstances. I believe that everyone is hoping for a good end.

By Muna Al-Fuzai