KUWAIT: A Kuwaitilawyer filed a lawsuit yesterday asking to ban Twitter in Kuwait. She claimedthat Twitter users' activity is "destroying the values of society,"and argued that the government has failed in controlling the spread of fakeaccounts on the social media network. Meanwhile, acting prosecutor general SaadAl-Safran ordered a ruling family member jailed for 21 days pendinginvestigations in a case in which he is accused of insulting traffic policeofficer Saleh Al-Rashid. The 'Sheikh' faces felony charges of threatening andblackmail.
In other news,Health Minister Sheikh Dr Basel Humoud Al-Sabah approved recommendations whichcall for closing some pharmacies at co-op societies for failure to obtainlicenses in the name of Kuwaiti pharmacies - a violation of article 17 ofpharmacy practice law 28/1996, and its amendment with article 2 of law 30/2016.
Therecommendations were made by a committee formed last year to investigateviolations of the aforementioned law. Committee Deputy Chairman, AssistantUndersecretary for Drug and Food Control Dr Abdallah Al-Bader also indicatedthat violating pharmacies that failed to correct their status will be referredto the public prosecution for legal action. The punishment for practicingpharmacy without a license is a maximum of two years in jail and/or a fine of amaximum of KD 3,000.
By MeshaalAl-Enezi