KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is welcomed by His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah upon his return to Kuwait yesterday. - Amiri Diwan photos

KUWAIT: HisHighness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received acongratulatory cable yesterday from His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh NawafAl-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah over his safe return from the US. In his cable, HisHighness Sheikh Nawaf expressed gratitude and thanked Allah Almighty for HisHighness the Amir's return after successful medical checkups. His Highness theCrown Prince expressed on behalf of Kuwaiti citizens and residents best wishesand congratulation to His Highness the Amir. In turn, His Highness the Amirsent a thank you letter to His Highness the Crown Prince for his kind words andsentiments.

His Highness theAmir also received a letter from the chief of Kuwait's National Guard HisHighness Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah, welcoming him back home after havingunderwent medical checkups in the US. The National Guard is ecstatic over HisHighness the Amir's safe return to the country after his "successfulmedical checkups allayed all of our concerns over his wellbeing," he wrotein his letter. Replying to the National Guard chief, His Highness the Amirthanked him for his warm sentiments, wishing Kuwait continued prosperity anddevelopment.

Furthermore, HisHighness the Amir received a letter of congratulations from National AssemblySpeaker Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem and members of the parliament on the occasion ofhis return to Kuwait. In the letter, the Parliament Speaker greeted His Highness,on behalf of himself and all MPs, expressing sincere sentiments and happinessover the return of His Highness to the country after successfully completinghis medical trip in the United States, asking Almighty Allah to grant him witheverlasting health so he may continue with his wise leadership of Kuwait andloyal people.

In reply, HisHighness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad thanked the parliament, speaker and members, fortheir sincere emotions shown in the letter, hoping for more achievements andprosperity, and asked Almighty Allah to bless the Kuwaiti people with healthand happiness.

In addition, HisHighness the Amir received a message from His Highness Sheikh NasserAl-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who wished His Highness the Amir good healthso he may carry on with "his blessed march of serving our beloved countryand pushing forward the Process of development, progress and prosperity."Also in the cable, His Highness Sheikh Nasser said he was deeply proud of thenoticeable development and progress in the country in various spheres, under"your sagacious leadership," renewing the allegiance and faithfulnessto His Highness on his behalf and on behalf of the Kuwaiti people.

In reply, HisHighness the Amir sent a cable to His Highness Sheikh Nasser expressinggratitude for the good and sincere feelings on his return to the country. HisHighness prayed to Allah Almighty to protect the dear homeland and guide thepeople toward further progress and prosperity.

Prime Ministercables Amir

In the meantime,His Highness the Amir received a cable of congratulations from His Highness thePrime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah upon the safe arrivalof His Highness the after completing the medical checkups successfully. His Highnessthe Amir sent a response thanks cable to His Highness the Prime Minister,expressing His Highness's appreciation for the sincere and genuine feelings HisHighness the Prime Minister and cabinet Ministers expresses.

His Highness theAmir prayed to Allah Almighty to maintain the blessings of security andprosperity to our beloved nation and to help its people to serve Kuwait andachieve its developmental aims, and His Highness wished his people everlastinghealth and wellness.

Moreover, Kuwait'sDeputy Premier and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Anas Al-Saleh voicedcontent and relief for safe return of His Highness the Amir Sheikh SabahAl-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, following successful medical checkups in the US.Saleh, in a statement, congratulated His Highness the Amir on his safe returnto continue his leadership of the nation. Saleh prayed to Allah the Almighty tobestow His Highness the Amir with good health.

Minister ofCommerce and Industry Khaled Al-Roudhan described as 'a joyous occasion' thereturn home of His Highness the Amir following successful medical checkups inthe US. "The joyful feelings that we see among Kuwaitis and expatriatesshow how much love they have for His Highness the Amir, the humanitarianleader," Roudhan, also Minister of State for Services, said in astatement. His Highness the Amir, he added, reasserted Kuwait's philanthropyworldwide and has a major peace-making efforts.

Minister ofJustice and Minister of State for parliament affairs Dr Mohammad Al-Afasi alsowelcomed the safe return home of His Highness the Amir. "The whole ofKuwait is extremely happy with the return of His Highness the Amir whichreflects how citizens and expatriates have so much love for him," Afasisaid in a statement. He said His Highness the Amir's generosity has reachedpeople in need in many parts of the world, indeed granting him the'Humanitarian Leader' title by the UN.

Minister of Awqafand Islamic Affairs Fahad Al-Shula congratulated His Highness the Amir or his safereturn, saying that Kuwaitis and expatriates have showed so much affection toHis Highness the Amir upon his return. Shula, also Minister of State forMunicipal Affairs, said the return of His Highness the Amir mirrored solidrelationship between the ruler and people. He prayed to Allah Almighty tobestow his blessing upon His Highness the Amir.

Minister ofEducation and Minister of Higher Education Dr Hamed Al-Azmi meanwhile expressedcontent for the return home of His Highness the Amir, congratulating him on hisreturn on behalf of the Ministry and Kuwait University. He prayed to AllahAlmighty to bestow His Highness the Amir with good health. Kuwait UniversityPresident Dr Hussain Al-Ansari congratulated His Highness the Amir on his safereturn.

He said Kuwaitiswere awaiting for His Highness the Amir's return. Minister of Public Works andMinister of State for Housing Affairs Dr Jenan Bushehri said that His Highnessthe Amir has relentless contributions and is like "a father for all,"adding that the Kuwaiti people were awaiting for the return of their leader.His Highness the Amir's vast political, diplomatic and economic experience andvision transformed Kuwait to new levels.


In the meantime,the Ministry of Interior announced a decision to release all of police membersheld for disciplinary cases, on the occasion of the safe return of His Highnessthe Amir to the country. In a statement to the press, the ministry said thedecision was issued by Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister LieutenantGeneral Sheikh Khalid Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah on the occasion of His Highness theAmir's safe return to the homeland.

Also yesterday,His Highness Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award shared prizes withthe public in Kuwait in celebration on the return of His Highness the AmirSheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Chairwoman of the Award Board ofTrustees Sheikha Aida Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah said in a press statement Wednesdaythat she was happy about the safe return of His Highness the Amir andcongratulating him on the successful medical checkups in US. Sheikha AidaAl-Sabah congratulated citizens and residents over the good news, expressinggratitude for his successful humanitarian work and wise leadership that lead tosafety and security of the country.

Also yesterday,the embassies of Guyana and Pakistan in Kuwait released statementscongratulating His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah onhis safe return to the country. "The government of Guyana, South Americaand the Embassy of Guyana in Kuwait are thrilled, delighted and jubilant thatthe visionary Amir, United Nations' designated Humanitarian Leader, and WorldBank awardee for Global Social and Economic Development, is safely back home inKuwait after health tests in the US," reads a statement released by theEmbassy of Guyana yesterday. Meanwhile, the Embassy of Pakistan expressed in apress statement happiness over the "successful health check-up" HisHighness the Amir underwent in the US, and his safe return back home. - KUNA