By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: Kuwaitis gathered in Irada Square on Saturday to express their solidarity, support and pride in the Palestinian resistance, as well as their rejection of normalization of Zionist occupation of Palestinan lands. "The Zionist entity has persisted in attacking and desecrating holy sites, disregarding the sanctity of children, women and the elderly over the past years. It is only natural for there to be a reaction to these practices and crimes in the face of the world’s silence,” MP Abdulaziz Al-Saqobi said.

"Many Arab and Islamic governments, as well as international and human rights organizations, are expected to respond proportionately to the magnitude and brutality of the crimes committed by the Zionist entity. For those who do not understand the language of treaties and agreements, they must understand the language of strength and resilience, as is happening today in Gaza.

This resilience is a source of pride for all who adhere to the religion of Islam because the Palestinian issue is not just a matter for the Palestinian people, but also a religious issue. Therefore, every Muslim must support their brothers in Palestine,” he said. "I am honored to represent these people who are always quick to rise up for their nation and key issues, and the biggest issue is of Al-Aqsa Mosque. We must congratulate each other on this victory achieved by our brothers in Palestine, which calls for victory and pride because the nation is alive.

Therefore, the first message from the Kuwaiti people to our brothers in Palestine is that we pray that Allah grants you victory, and with Allah’s permission, victory will be achieved. Our message to our brothers is that we support them financially, morally and politically, and we pray for them. Greetings to the ministry of foreign affairs, which issued a statement inviting us to take pride in Kuwait and its people and government for standing with the Palestinian cause,” MP Hamad Al-Matar said. "Today, it has been proven conclusively that there is no alternative but to liberate the entire Palestinian national territory.

Today, it has been proven that the Palestinian weapons and resistance are united in confronting the enemy. It has been proven that corrupt, subservient and despotic systems are complicit. It has been proven that popular solidarity in struggle is the only option for the Arab nation in confronting humiliation, occupation and aggression,” said Ahmed Al-Deen, Secretary General of the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement.

"They want to destroy any idea of resistance and want to establish that there is no other way except normalization, which means humiliation and degradation for the nation. Unfortunately, today they want the oppressed not to scream out against their oppressors. But they will fail in that, as we will uphold dignity and principles and will not normalize with this horde,” Mohammed Al-Dosari, a representative of the Popular Action Movement, said.