By Majd Othman

KUWAIT: With the high cost of marriage that is affecting the Kuwaiti community due to social obligations that many locals are indirectly forced to adhere to, an initiative was recently launched by a number of Kuwaiti women from a well-known tribe calling to cancel unnecessary prewedding parties that place a heavy burden on families. The initiative, which has gone viral among citizens, aims to reduce the cost of numerous celebrations that have become mandatory over time, in addition to unnecessary spending on sweets, flowers and gifts by the host family and guests, who are socially compelled to bring gifts.

The initiative also calls to cancel graduation celebrations held by individuals that waste lots of money and are merely held to show off. Several other Kuwaiti tribes announced that they will also adopt the initiative as they consider it a positive step to cut costs, especially for those who cannot afford prewedding celebrations, which can reach two to three events before the main marriage party.

A statement by the Kuwaiti women stressed many women spend huge amounts of money at bridal shops only to show off among their peers, which has enabled wedding shops to take advantage and increase prices to reap the maximum benefits. Nasser, a citizen who supports this initiative, considers the campaign as an “awakening and women’s revolution against wasteful spending”. Another citizen Maram expressed her gratitude for the initiative, saying she has been implementing this step for a long time.

“I stopped receiving gifts at weddings and other celebrations to not embarrass anyone who can’t afford to buy gifts,” she said. Sarah, a citizen who has pledged to implement this initiative, said it is clear and outstanding. “We have a duty to the people whom we love to celebrate or grieve with to do so in a reasonable way,” she said, adding, “we witness many silly compliments that have exhausted the people’s pockets.” Several citizens revealed the cost of prewedding celebrations can reach the cost of the wedding itself.

For instance, if a wedding reception costs KD 10,000, multiple prewedding celebrations cost almost the same. But some Kuwaiti women oppose this initiative and believe people should reject it, arguing it is not fair to force the entire tribe to act in the same way, stressing it should be a matter of choice and everyone should do what they think is right.