In the presence of a prominent number of Kuwaiti and international cinema stars, the red carpet was held for the opening ceremony of the new Kuwaiti feature film ‘How I Got There’, directed by Kuwaiti Dr Ziyad Al-Husseini. A large number of artists, cultural figures and media personalities were also in attendance. The Kuwaiti film production presents adventures shot with high-level Hollywood standards. The film will premiere in local theatres this weekend.

In a special statement on this occasion, Sheikha Ohood Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the (VO) platform, said: "Bravo, a big bravo, to the creative youth of Kuwait.. We have fulfilled our message in supporting youth through the (VO) platform that supports Kuwaiti youth. All that I can say very briefly that the ‘How I Got There’ is a distinguished Kuwaiti film that represents a great leap in the Kuwaiti cinema industry and career, in addition to the issues it is exposed to within the framework of adventures and Hollywood cinematic craftsmanship.

Actor Hamad Al-Omani.
Sheikha Ohood Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the (VO) platform
American actor Ron Perlman.

On the strength.. I was also pleased with this honorable presence and the wonderful organization that befits the international level occupied by the State of Kuwait and on all fields and levels.” In his turn, the Assistant Secretary-General for the Arts Sector at the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature, Musaed Al-Zamil, said, "The movie ‘How I Got There’ by the distinguished director Ziyad Al-Husseini represents a positive move in the Kuwaiti cinema’s march, rather it establishes a new stage in the history of Kuwaiti cinema through that bold idea and contents that he put forward, as well as this.

The distinguished constellation of Kuwaiti and Hollywood movie stars who contributed to enriching this cinematic experience, which can be confirmed as a step in the global space. We, in the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature, offer all support and backing for such artistic and cinematic experiences, noting that a number of cinematic events and events are currently taking place that Kuwait will witness in the coming short period.

Actor Yaqoub Abdullah.
Director Dr Ziyad Al-Husseini.
Kuwaiti actor Faisal Al-Amiri.

Furthermore, the director, Dr Ziyad Al-Husseini said, "I feel in these moments, which I have always waited for, with pride and pride, as I witness the result of an effort that lasted for nearly ten years of writing, photography, production, and moving between Kuwait and Mexico. And my happiness is greater with the positive reactions that the film reaped, whether when the film was shown in the Red Sea Festival and won the audience award, or when it was shown today.”

"I also stress that the film is the harvest of great cooperation for many names, including artists, technicians, partners and supporters, in addition to all sectors that contributed to supporting this experience, which we want to serve as the true ambassador of Kuwaiti cinema in international festivals and art forums,” he added. On his part, the American star Ron Perlman, who arrived at dawn today to participate in this celebration said, "I am happy to be in Kuwait and among its hospitable people, gourmets and true lovers of the seventh art industry.

A group photo during the opening ceremony of the new Kuwaiti feature film ‘How I Got There’.

My relationship with director Ziyad Al-Husseini goes back to many years, during which I was happy to work and cooperate in addition to presenting the work at the Red Sea Festival and the great victory it achieved.” "In addition to my cooperation with this wonderful group of artists, technicians, and producers, the time has come for the film industry in Kuwait to move to the global space. I will leave from Kuwait to Riyadh, where the film screenings will be opened in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

From there, I return to Los Angeles to commit to filming dates for new cinematic works,” he continued. The star, Hamad Al-Omani, said, "The movie ‘How I Got There’ is one of the artistic experiences that I am proud of and proud of, and it represents an important stage in my artistic career, especially because it opens the door wide for new artistic collaborations in the professional cinematic framework. And also the fruitful artistic cooperation with the director, artist Ziyad Al-Husseini.”

As the star Yaqoub Abdullah said, "A new experience and personality with all the meaning of the word in terms of dimensions and contents, and it was accomplished with high-quality technical specifications and an international team that contributed to the completion of the experiment in a high artistic way that I am proud of. A movie that will find its way to cinema lovers in Kuwait and the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council countries.”

Movie poster of Kuwaiti film ‘How I Got There’.
Kuwaiti feature film titled 'How I Got There'.
(From left) Director Dr Ziyad Al-Husseini, actor Ron Perlman and Sheikha Ohood Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah.

In turn, the star Rawan Al-Mahdi said: I am very happy to work with a director of the stature and value of the director, the artist Ziyad Al-Husseini, who presented a high-quality cinematic experience and technical specifications that establish his mark, confirm his style and support his artistic career, as we await in the coming days more important cinematic experiences with this wonderful team of artists and technicians and producers. And I invite the beloved audience in Kuwait and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, where the film screenings will start to follow and enjoy.

As for the star Faisal Al-Amiri, he said: A new cinematic experience that makes us optimistic about the future of the cinema industry in Kuwait and the region. Compared to the high technical specifications with which the work was completed, which took more than three years to complete. I also congratulate the work team, starting from the director, artists, technicians and producers, for the award that the work won during the Red Sea Festival, which is the Audience Award. For his part, producer Abdulaziz Al-Yaqout said: I feel proud to participate in the realization of this production experience, which was a dream and has become a reality.

Actress Rawan Al-Mahdi

We see its positive harvest today through the opening ceremony of the film screenings here in Kuwait, and before it during participation in the Red Sea Film Festival, where the film won the Audience Award without The slightest doubt is an additional achievement for the film and for the credit of the new Kuwaiti cinema. We note here that the film will find its way to theaters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the end of this week.

For his part, producer Mashari Al-Mutawa said: The movie - HOW I GOT THERE - is one of the production experiences that I am proud to participate in producing during my production trip between Hollywood and Kuwait. And my happiness is greater in presenting a production worthy of the name of Kuwait and presenting a real addition to the balance of Kuwaiti and Gulf cinema to go far to present the Kuwaiti cinema creator in artistic cooperation led by the distinguished director Dr. Ziyad Al-Husseini, who forms a wonderful team that brings together a distinguished number of creative cadres from Kuwait, Hollywood and Bollywood, in addition to a global team of technicians and technicians who were behind this cinematic achievement that we are proud of.