By A Saleh and Meshaal Al-Enezi

KUWAIT: In a bid to help farmers affected by the spread of the coronavirus and save their crops, the Kuwaiti embassy in Vietnam purchased two tons of watermelons and distributed them free to passersby, said the Vietnamese website. In this regard, Nguyen Thu Ha, secretary of the Embassy of Kuwait in Hanoi, said the embassy had received reports about difficulties the farmers have been facing in exporting their crops after the spread of the coronavirus, and accordingly, the embassy decided to purchase the watermelons and distribute them for free.

Autopsies not MoH responsibility

Health Minister Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah stressed performing autopsies is the responsibility of the public prosecution. "Our job is to hand over the bodies and they do their work." he underlined, adding that the case currently discussed by the parliamentary health affairs committee is still in court. Notably, the National Assembly had urged the health affairs committee to investigate the causes of the deaths of Abdul Aziz Al-Rasheedi, a child who died in Fahaheel polyclinic dental clinic, and Kuwaiti citizen Hanan Al-Adwani.

Mubarak Al-Kabeer cleanup

Mubarak Al-Kabeer municipality inspection teams removed 17,728 tons of waste during the second half of 2019, said cleaning and road blockage manager Melfi Al-Hawali. Hawali added that his teams had pasted 2,998 warning stickers on abandoned vehicles, removed 188 others, filed 427 citations to peddlers and for road blockage and lack of cleanliness, and issued 118 licenses, in addition to removing 17,728 tons of waste.