By Majd Othman

KUWAIT: In the past three days, the world has witnessed a significant and surprising military operation by Palestinian group Hamas against the Zionist entity occupying Palestine, one of the longest-standing occupations in recent global history. This operation, which began in Gaza and extended to the occupied Palestinian territories, has given hope to people worldwide who seek justice for both Palestinians and others who understand the significance of deprivation from liberty and freedom from oppression.

Among those showing unwavering support for the Palestinian operation is Kuwait, which has consistently opposed the actions of the occupying entity and has offered comprehensive support at all levels. Kuwaiti citizens have also stood in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, with many gathering at public assemblies to express their full support for the rights of Palestinians defending themselves against repeated brutal attacks by the occupying forces.

Kuwait Times interviewed several Kuwaiti citizens who enthusiastically support the current developments in Palestinian territories. Aicha Haidar emphasized that this operation sheds light on the numerous violations committed by the occupying entity against the Palestinian people over the past decades. She stressed that this conflict is not limited to the battlefield; it also extends to a media war that requires people to be well-informed.

Haidar added that news platforms supporting the occupying entity play a significant role in sowing doubt and weakness in people's hearts. She pointed out that they often attempt to portray the operation as targeting women and children to gain sympathy and support. She emphasized the importance of countering these disinformation techniques through raising awareness.

Mohammad Al-Subaei pointed out that this operation has given the world renewed hope for achieving justice and will provide the new generation with a different perspective on real justice, one that has been obscured by misleading media campaigns. Buthayna Salem concurred that the new generation, especially those who have not experienced war, will gain valuable insights from the events unfolding in Palestine.

She also emphasized the sacred nature of the land and its significance to Muslims and all those who believe in justice. Salem added that Palestinian families have suffered the loss of their sons and daughters, rape of their women, endured the theft of their homes and lived under a protracted siege with limited access to resources, movement and aid delivery for decades. “It is now time for them to take decisive action toward achieving the victory they have long awaited, that we hope will come very soon,” she said.