Kuwait, Iraq affirm 'solid' bilateral relations

BAGHDAD: Speaker of Kuwait’s National Assembly Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem and his delegation meet with Iraqi President Dr Barham Salih.— KUNA photos

BAGHDAD: Speaker of Kuwait's National Assembly Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem, who arrived yesterday in Iraq on an official one-day visit, held official talks later with Iraqi leaders discussing a host of issues of common interest. The parliament speaker, along with his delegation, met with President Dr Barham Salih at Salam Palace. Ghanem conveyed greetings from His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to the Iraqi leader, wishing his country further progress and prosperity. In turn, president Salih requested that Ghanem convey his best regards to His Highness the Amir. The two sides, during the meeting, affirmed that the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries would remain solid.

Earlier, Ghanem, along with his entourage, met with his Iraqi counterpart Mohammad Al-Halbousi. The discussions dealt means of boosting cooperation between Kuwait and Iraq, particularly in the parliamentary field, Al-Dustoor news network said in a statement. The talks addressed various files of common concern, regional and international issues, it added. The Kuwaiti parliament speaker expressed, during the meeting with Halbousi, aspiration to see Iraq secure, prosperous and stable. Meanwhile, Halbousi expressed gratitude to Kuwait for supporting his country in the war on terrorism, backing the local 'political process' and reconstructing the country. Separately, Ghanem met the head of the supreme judicial council Faek Al-Abboudi, discussing a host of legal affairs.

Ghanim also met with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdulmahd, and the two sides discussed topics of mutual concern and means of boosting ties on all levels. They also discussed resolving issues standing in the way of establishing economic partnerships between Kuwait and Iraq. The meeting was attended by the Speaker's accompanying delegation and Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iraq Salem Al-Zamanan. After departing Iraq, Ghanem is expected to head to Jordan on a two-day visit to Syrian and Palestinian refugee camps. He will be also attending the 29th Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union conference on Jerusalem on March 3-4 held in Jordan. - KUNA