Kuwait: Electronic media professor at Kuwait University Dr. Mohammad Al-Otaibi underlined role of media campaigns in raising awareness towards drug abuse, especially campaigns targeting social media platforms as they are the most widespread, reaching a wider segment of the youth.
Al-Otaibi, interviewed by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), said that campaigns whether on social media platforms, billboards on roads, on TV and radio channels or newspapers, could also be instrumental in educating parents on the issue, as well as lending a helping hand to specialized entities in combating the dangers of addiction.
Executive Director of Ghiras, the national awareness project for drug abuse prevention, Dr. Ahmad Al-ShattiExecutive Director of Ghiras, the national awareness project for drug abuse prevention, Dr. Ahmad Al-Shatti, stated last June that around half a million drug-related deaths were recorded in 2019.
For his part, media professor at Kuwait University Dr. Fawaz Al-Ajmi affirmed in an interview with KUNA significant role of the media for promoting awareness and addressing the targeted masses' segments.
He has noted that anti-drugs campaign should be based on figures, evidences and statistics regarding the drugs' peril. Shedding light on the hazards caused by the narcotics should be also based on scientific bases, elaborate studies, cooperation with concerned departments, namely the ministry of health and interior, sociologists and psychologists, he elaborated.
media professor at Kuwait University Dr. Fawaz Al-AjmiAwareness campaigns that lack such essential factors do not attain the set objectives, he noted further.
Kuwait's Cabinet had decided last October to launch a national campaign to curb spread of substance addiction through raising awareness, combating and providing treatment via rehabilitation centers with complete confidentiality, employing national and international cadres.
The campaign comes as per directives by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah to protect the youth from all possible consequences of drug abuse.
The cabinet had decided to assign the interior ministry along with health ministry, ministry of education, ministry of social affairs and community development, ministry of women and childhood affairs, ministry of awqaf (endowment) and Islamic affairs, as well as information ministry to execute the campaign.