KUWAIT: HisHighness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah will return to Kuwaittoday. He will be returning from the United States of America where he hasundergone successful medical checkups. His Highness the Amir has recovered froma health setback and is 'in a good condition now', the state news agencyreported. He was admitted for a normal medical checkup.
Meanwhile, HisHighness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah had sent acable to His Highness the Amir, in which he congratulated him on the successfulmedical checkups. His Highness the Crown Prince also wished His Highness theAmir good health.
Last month,Kuwaitis celebrated the fifth anniversary of the UN honoring of His Highnessthe Amir. With a lot of pride, the people of Kuwait celebrated the fifthanniversary of the UN honoring of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-AhmadAl-Jaber Al-Sabah as a 'Humanitarian Leader' and of Kuwait as a 'HumanitarianCenter'.
The UN gesturecame in recognition of Kuwait's outstanding and unique contributions under thewise leadership of His Highness the Amir. The well-deserved internationalhonoring was a crowning of Kuwait's long history of humanitarian, benevolentand altruistic activities in different world countries.
On September 9,2014, then-secretary general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon held a specialfunction at the UN headquarters in New York to express the UN and theinternational community's appreciation for His Highness the Amir and Kuwait'sgenerosity and kindness.
The UN move cameas Kuwait had shown exemplary humanitarian leadership in supporting globalhumanitarian and relief operations under the compassionate and passionateleadership of His Highness the Amir.