KUWAIT: The late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah on the occasion inaugurates Kuwait University on November 27, 1966.  —KUNA

KUWAIT: Kuwait University, marking its 54th anniversary that fell on Friday, has pledged to march on the path for boosting academic education, having successfully grown from only four colleges to 16, currently. The university, in a report released on the occasion, affirmed that it has developed from a local establishment to a regional one, with the number of colleges reaching 16 from only four in the beginning. Moreover, the number of students has substantially grown from 418 to 36,000, with classes and facilities occupying a six million sq m plots of land. On the anniversary of the official opening, on November 27, 1966, "We bring into recollections the term of the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah on the occasion,” where he lauded the KU as a milestone step in the struggle against backwardness, KU said. The university, since its inauguration, has shouldered the responsibility of graduating effective, trained and qualified cadres, armed with modern sciences, expertise, skills to feed all sectors of life, namely those of the social, political, economic and scientific domains.

After half a century and four years of efforts, continuous giving and the quest for development, the university has witnessed the graduation of many citizens, some won invention patents. The KU report has affirmed that it is seeking to stay abreast of latest developments, its keenness on qualitative education, innovation, sustainable development and adopting thoughts that back up Kuwait development strategy, vision 2035. In line with this approach, the report has underlined the opening of Sabah Al-Salem university complex, one of the largest of such complexes in the world. This year’s occasion came amid shadows of the novel coronavirus, where the administration succeeded in pursuing studies online, praising students’ determination to cope with the difficult conditions.  —KUNA