KUWAIT: Kuwait will deal "firmly" with any effort aiming to jeopardize the nation's security, Interior Minister Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al-Sabah said on Sunday, emphasizing that no one is above the law. Security personnel will remain vigilant and steadfast in efforts to keep the nation's security intact, he told senior officials from his ministry, underlining the "gratitude" of the country's political leadership for such measures.

This came in a press release issued by the general department of security relations and media at the ministry of interior after Sheikh Talal chaired a security meeting with assistant undersecretaries in the presence of Interior Ministry Undersecretary Lt Gen Anwar Al-Barjas. Sheikh Talal stressed the need to apply the law to everyone without exception, exert more efforts and vigilance, face challenges and risks, and maintain an active and continuous presence in order to enhance security in the country and address problems firsthand.

Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled conveyed to officials of the security establishment the greetings and appreciation of the country's senior leadership for their unlimited contribution in preserving the security of the homeland and citizens, praising the great efforts made by all sectors of the ministry of interior. – KUNA