By Abdullah Boftain

62 years celebrating culture and the art of information to the masses. A pioneer in Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf still relevant in its timeless beauty. Connecting worlds beyond maps and creating a home for the press. As the years progressed, its vibrant doors expanded and welcomed the many faces of visitors from all facets of life. Providing a space for everyone looking for answers. A haven that carries the very memories that made this country.

You can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia as it embraces you with its history and subtle hues of blue. A brand built over decades, evolving and progressing through to find its path of transformation. In 2020, a partnership aligned setting a new vision in place. Kuwait News complemented the ever-evolving traditional media practices alongside the wave of digital transformation.

This collaboration was the catalyst for something new, something for everyone. Connecting communities of all nationalities and age groups, it took on a more refined role and responsibility. It became a nexus for content creation, paving way for a new generation to receive and share information. Injecting life into language and culture in pursuit of better times.

The future is filled with hope and the very dreamers who want to make a change. The objective was clear— adapt to changes and embrace alternative ways of reaching and resonating with the public; the voices of our future. We provide the very tools to nourish and guide them - the inquisitive writers, bold thinkers, truth seekers and journalists in their own right.

We are proud to help create a space for knowledge and provide opportunities for a new generation of talented creators. Reviving the foundation of quality journalism to reflect the values of truth and inclusivity. This very home that I have spent the past three years rebuilding... a space with so much promise, integrity and inspiration. A time celebrated for its rich history and strength to keep going. The legacy of Kuwait Times and its unwavering path towards the future.