NEW YORK: Kuwaiti Assistant Foreign Minister for Development and International Cooperation Ambassador Hamad Al-Mishaan said his country is keen on doing everything possible to eliminate fanaticism, extremism, and terrorism. Speaking to KUNA after taking part in the 13th ministerial meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), he affirmed that the meeting approved Kuwait’s accession to the Forum.

The meeting was co-chaired by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and European Union High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell. It was held on the sidelines of the High-Level Week of the 78th United Nations General Assembly session in New York, Ambassador Al-Mishaan noted.

"Our world faces many crises that cast a shadow on the lives of individuals and contribute to the emergence of intolerance and extremism across national borders, which requires our countries to coordinate and unify the approach used to address and prevent these phenomena,” he stressed.

"The State of Kuwait maintains a principled position against attempts to associate terrorism with any religion, nationality, culture, or ethnic group. Last Monday, members of the Forum’s 22nd Coordination Committee invited the State of Kuwait to join the Forum in honor of its local and international efforts to refute terrorism and dry up its sources and various endeavors for international cooperation. - KUNA