DOHA: The Secretary-General of the Kuwait National Assembly, Khalid Abu Salib, has stressed the importance of the 10th annual conference of the Association of Secretaries-General of Arab Parliaments in its 43rd meeting, as it contributes to strengthening joint Arab action and developing Arab parliamentary relations. In a statement to KUNA, Abu Salib said after the opening session that the General Secretariat of the Assembly played a pioneering role in establishing, supporting, and sponsoring the association since its founding in 1994.

The conference program includes discussing a working paper entitled (Digital Democracy, Social Media, and the Role of Councils in Promoting It, confirming that the general secretariat of the Kuwait National Assembly has the lead in using modern technological and electronic systems to keep pace with modern developments and serve those working in the parliamentary field.

In a similar statement, the head of the information security department at the National Assembly, Engineer Fahd Al-Hatem, said that the working paper addresses several topics, including electronic voting, publishing records electronically, and how to spread parliamentary awareness electronically.

Al-Hatem added that the Kuwaiti National Assembly is currently the only Arab parliament to vote for the positions of the General Secretariat and parliamentary committees electronically, pointing to the system of documenting parliamentary papers, which is one of the largest projects in the Council, as it has converted approximately 400,000 parliamentary documents into a digital copy and is available to everyone.

The tenth annual conference of the Association of Working Secretaries of Arab Parliaments began Tuesday in the Qatari capital, Doha, and will continue its sessions on Wednesday. - KUNA