By Nawara Fattahova
KUWAIT: People have noticed changes in the weather in Kuwait, as usually in this period of the year, the temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius. Also, sandstorms are becoming more frequent, when in the past they appeared later in the year.
Meteorologist and Astronomer Adel Al-Saadoun said climatic cycles don't repeat annually in exact timings of the year. "Climatic cycles are related to the Sun and the directions of wind. This year summer didn't start early as usual, and the weather is still pleasant during the evening and early morning," he pointed out.
"Global warming during the past five years caused record temperatures not only in Kuwait, but in other countries around the world including the United States, the Amazon, and many other parts of the world. There may be different reasons behind this, including the Earth's rotation, atmospheric pressure or other factors," added Saadoun.
The Indian monsoon depression over India and East Asia affects our climate. "The wind moving from the north brings dust to our area. When it rains there, it affects our climate. So, when the rains started earlier this year, it brought sandstorms earlier. The dust moves from north to south, and the wind is faster. But in general, the amount of dust this year is not so great yet," he explained. According to Saadoun, weather prediction can only be precise up to four days in advance. "If the forecast is made for a longer period, then it won't always be correct, as it's related to earth's climate," he added.
Kuwait is financing a project in Iraq which should improve the dust problem in Kuwait. "A great part of the dust coming from the north is due to an abandoned area in Iraq. After people left this area, they called it Almghabra (covered by dust). Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development has invested KD 4 million to develop this area. So, after farmers will cultivate this area and benefit from agricultural products, the amount of dust and sand coming to Kuwait will drop," he said.
Saadoun also highlighted that financial losses caused by the changing weather are mainly because the amounts of sand that had to be cleared from the main roads were done by private companies. He said cloudseeding projects carried out in some neighboring Gulf countries will not be done here anytime soon. "The decision to realize such big projects will take time in Kuwait. The artificial rain project needs a lot of equipment and a large budget, so I guess it will take some time. When it does happen, it will reduce dust and sandstorms," he concluded.