KUWAIT: The health ministry has prepared a precise mechanism for submitting exemption requests from the COVID-19 vaccination through a specialized technical committee that considers the applications according to specifications to make it easy for citizens and residents whose health conditions prevent them from taking the vaccine.
The ministry said in a press release that the committee is a specialized technical committee that includes an elite group of consultants in various medical specialties, as some cases need certificates that exempt them from taking the jab based on the committee's evaluation.
The steps include that those concerned should register online as a first step, make sure about the identity of the applicant through a PIN code sent through email, then upload the necessary medical reports. The specialized committee will look into applications that meet the stipulations and categorize them according to the nature of illness. Several consultants then will decide the final position on the exemption. The attached medical reports must be issued by a government health center and include a clear reason for the exemption.