KUWAIT: The Kuwait Fire Force team participating in efforts to battle wildfires in Greece. - KUNA photos
KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti army announced yesterday that two Air Force transport planes left to Greece with Some 40 Kuwaiti firefighters to help put out massive wildfires still raging in coastal towns of the European country. Directorate of the moral guidance and public relations of the army said that the aid comes as per His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's instructions.
The Kuwait Fire Force team participating in efforts to battle wildfires in Turkey.
The two airplanes departed from Abdullah Al-Mubarak air base with the attendance of Chief of the Kuwait Fire Force (KFF) Lieutenant General Khaled Al-Mikrad, Charge d'Affairs at the Embassy of Greece in Kuwait Antonius Hazeroglu and a number of air base officers. On Sunday, some 45 Kuwaiti firefighters began arriving in Turkey to join efforts to put out massive wildfires still raging in coastal towns, the Kuwaiti military said, adding the aid comes as per His Highness the Amir's instructions.
The Kuwaiti contingent are equipped with an assortment of fire-fighting gear, while another team of firefighters will pursue a similar mission in neighboring Greece, where drought-fueled wildfires have been spreading for five days, said a military statement. Wildfires have been raging in Greece and Turkey amid a heat wave not seen in southern Europe in decades. - KUNA
Fire engines sent by Kuwait to take part in efforts to battle wildfires in Greece.