KUWAIT: Kuwait Sea Sport Club organized its first Motosurf Championship in two categories, stock and open - each of two rounds. The stock category was won by Yousuf Al-Awadhi, Saleh Al-Zarhan second then Al-Joud Al-Sabah was third. Essa Al-Awadhi won first place in the open category followed by Hassan Bu-Abbas second and Mohammad Bu-Abbas third. Board member of Sea Sports Club Khalid Al-Buraiki said the trounament that is held for the first time is a new and unprecedented challenge for the club that is trying hard to develop and enhance water sports through organizing championships that help this goal.
Director of Motosurf games at the club Miqdad Al-Zanki said the club has its first team in this game at the Gulf and Arab levels, adding that competition is fierce among participants, although this type of game is new. Chairman of the Board of the Sea Sports Club Mohammad Al-Zanki, and Board Member Yousuf Al-Wattar awarded the winners. Motosurf is a water skiing board powered with an internal fueled engine and used in water transport. The game is now part of the Olympics and is included in the international water sports federation. - KUNA