RIYADH: Kuwaiti Minister of Information and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi discussed on Friday with Saudi Information Minister Salman Al-Dosari efforts to broaden bilateral media cooperation. In a meeting held at the Saudi Press Agency headquarters in Riyadh upon an invitation from Saudi Minister Al-Dosari, the ministers mulled means to increase bilateral media cooperation in light of the global media transformations and explored opportunities for honing the skills of media cadres and exchanging expertise. They also touched upon several issues of common interest. Earlier, Minister Al-Mutairi toured the Riyadh International Book Fair accompanied by Saudi counterpart Al-Dosari.

GCC tourism meeting

In another development, the Minister of Information took part in the seventh meeting of the GCC tourism ministers, hosted by Oman. The ministry of information said in a statement that the meeting, held at "Oman Abr Alzaman Museuem" (Oman Across Ages Musuem) in the district of Minh, addressed issues for joint GCC tourism, namely resolutions that had been issued by the GCC supreme council, the GCC tourism statistics website, and the GCC tourism guidelines.

The conferees discussed the tasks of the joint team assigned to carry out the GCC tourism strategy and the joint tourism visas. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Omani minister of tourism, Salem Al-Mahrouki, with the attendance of GCC countries’ tourism ministers and the GCC chief, Jassem Al-Bedaiwai.- KUNA