PARIS: Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah is seen in a group photo with world leaders at the international conference on backing Libya, held in Paris, France. — KUNA

PARIS: Kuwait, as head of the Arab League Council for the 156th session, renewed the Arabs’ commitment to Libya’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, Foreign Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah said on Friday. This came during Sheikh Ahmad’s speech at the international conference on backing Libya held in the French capital, Paris. He said that the Arabs reject all kinds of external interference into Libya’s affairs, affirming the commitment of the Arab League to continuing fully support to Libya’s presidential council and the government of national unity to help them implement the roadmap hold presidential and parliamentary elections as planned on December 24, 2021. They also support the outcomes of the Skhirat Agreement and Libya’s stability initiative to implement the Security Council Resolutions 2510, 2570, 2571 and the results of the Berlin 1 and Berlin 2 conferences, he added.

He noted, "We welcome, in this context, Libyan High Elections Commission’s announcement of opening the door for presidential and parliamentary elections to hold them as planned”. The conference comes in continuation of the international efforts aiming to back Libya and reiterate commitment of the international community towards Libya to achieve its security and stability, he said. The international community renewed its full commitment to supporting everything that would lead to Libya’s security and stability, he pointed out. "We followed with great attention the positive developments made over the past period that included the ceasefire, the unification of military and security institutions and others,” he said.

In this context, Kuwait has lauded efforts, supported by the international community and made by brothers in Libya, aiming to end the split of institutions that threatens Libya’s stability and its neighbors for more than a decade, he stated. "We extolled results of the joint military committee (5+5) held in Cairo earlier this month on establishing a communication and coordination mechanism to support the implementation of an action plan of the withdrawal of mercenaries, and foreign fighters and forces from Libya in a balanced gradual process,” he said.

He expressed hope that security, prosperity and peace would prevail in Libya to meet aspirations of Libyans. The Kuwaiti minister conveyed greetings of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah who wished a successful conference. He expressed appreciation to the French President Emanuel Macron and his people for the reception, hospitality and distinguished preparation for the conference. — KUNA