KUWAIT: Ministerof Commerce and Industry and State Minister for Services Khaled Al-Roudhan onFriday issued a decision to raise port security level of facilities from one totwo. Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) told KUNA in a statement that ministerialdecree no. 448 orders a raise in security level of all port facilities in thecountry, both commercial and oil. The decision stresses to take necessarymeasures to protect ships and port facilities, it noted. In addition, it alsocomes in order to preserve the security of the country and its territory aswell as ports due to conditions experienced by the region.
The ministry ofcommerce and industry also announced on Friday that Kuwait has strategic foodreserves sufficient for six months. In a statement, the ministry affirmed itsfull readiness to cope with any emergency, affirming that all precautionarymeasures have been taken. The ministry added that it had taken all necessarymeasures and precautions with Kuwait Insurance Company and food suppliesoutlets throughout the country. Strategic stockpiles of food in warehouses aresufficient for six months and some of the amounts are enough for a whole year,it said in the official statement. It urged all concerned to seek informationfrom "the right sources" before spreading it.
Kuwait FlourMills and Bakeries Company affirmed yesterday readiness to cope "withramifications that may emerge as a result of conditions in the region".The company has also affirmed that the national strategic stockpiles of foodsupplies are sufficient for four to eight months. Chief Executive OfficerMutleg Al-Zayed has said in a statement that Kuwait devotes special concern forfood, assuring citizens and residents that the company has supplies, namelybread, enough to cope with possible higher demand.
All bakeriesthroughout Kuwait are ready to meet the demand, he said, revealing that thecompany has a special plan to ensure delivery of its products to the cooperativestores and sale outlets "in a satisfactory fashion". He indicated atpast experience, when the company secured food supplies during crises, provingthat Kuwait is an example to be followed at this level in the Gulf region.
Undersecretary ofthe Ministry of Interior Lt Gen Esam Al-Nahham affirmed Thursday that allsectors of the ministry are ready to address any eventuality. Security servicesare working around the clock to guard against any ramifications of thesituation in the region, he said in a statement posted on the ministry'sInstagram account. Nahham made the comments after chairing a senior-levelsecurity meeting where he was briefed on the preparedness of all sectors of theministry. The meeting was part of joint action by all sectors and coordinationto address the possible scenarios of the developments in the region, thestatement noted.
Nahham conveyedto the leaders of the security sectors the greetings of Deputy Prime Ministerand Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Acting Minister of Interior AnasAl-Saleh, who appreciates their dedication to protecting the country's securityand stability. Nahham reiterated the call for everybody to rely for news onofficial sources, such as the ministry's security media department, and avoid circulatingrumors that could jeopardize the safety and security of the country. - KUNA