NEW YORK: Kuwait said that multilateral action is the best way to address the challenges related to disarmament and non-proliferation and to enhance international cooperation under the umbrella of the UN and multiple disarmament mechanisms. This came in Kuwait’s speech delivered by the Second Secretary, Fahad Al-Ajmi, of Kuwait’s permanent delegation to the UN on Wednesday evening, before the UN General Assembly First Committee concerned with disarmament and international security.

The ideal common goal of complete disarmament is the human aspiration to achieve true peace and security as well as remove the danger of war, Al-Ajmi underscored. He pointed to the many challenges and geopolitical changes that have begun to become a threat to international peace and security, saying that an alarming pace of the arms race is witnessed, the consequences of which will extend to all parts of the earth.

They are concerned about any failure to comply with agreed-upon obligations and the deliberate and continuous ignoring of the international community’s repeated appeals calling for the implementation of global treaties and multiple agreements in this field, most notably the treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT) and the ban on nuclear tests, he said.

The only way and best path to ensure that nuclear weapons are not used again is to get rid of them completely, he added, while expressing Kuwait’s welcome for any progress made in the field of disarmament. He called on member states to combine efforts, not politicize the process, and to work hard on the challenges faced in an effort to find common solutions that will reach a final document during the 11th NPT Review Conference.

Minister Plenipotentiary and UN's Deputy Permanent Representative Faisal Al-Enezi

He highlighted Kuwait’s successful experience in assuming the presidency of the second session of the conference entitled "Establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East,” through which they adopted the rules of procedure of the conference and established an informal working committee concerned with continuing consultations between the formal sessions of the conference.

The UN’s efforts in disarmament have been continuing since 1946; however, progress in this field is minimal, he stated, stressing that with combined efforts, cooperation, and joint work, they can achieve progress in this regard. Kuwait supports Morocco In another development, Kuwait renewed its support for the Moroccan initiative for self-rule in the Moroccan Sahara, as it aims to reach a solution among all parties.

This came during Kuwait’s speech, delivered by Minister Plenipotentiary and UN’s Deputy Permanent Representative Faisal Al-Enezi on Wednesday at a session of the fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly, where he stressed the need to respect the unity and sovereignty of Morocco. Al-Enezi praised the UN’s efforts in holding meetings to discuss all parties’ concerns regarding the Sahara issue and reach a consensual political solution. He added, "We realize the importance of resuming meetings in the same format and with the same four participants, namely Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, and the Polisario, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2654.”

Al-Enezi added, "An important issue that is not addressed in the discussion related to decolonization" is Iran’s seizure of the UAE’s three islands, Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs. Al-Enezi considered any practices or actions carried out by Iran on the three islands to be "null and void and have no effect on the right of the UAE’s sovereignty,” reiterating Kuwait’s call on Iran to respond to the UAE's efforts to resolve the issue through direct negotiations or resorting to the International Court of Justice.

Regarding Palestine, Al-Enezi expressed Kuwait’s concern about the escalation in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, which resulted from the continuous violations and attacks by the Israeli occupation forces on the Palestinian people. He called on the international community to take responsibility for stopping the violence and providing protection to the Palestinian people, as well as ending the "provocative” practices of the occupation forces.- KUNA