KUWAIT: A man is examined at the ministry of education's private education department yesterday. - Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

By Ben Garcia

KUWAIT: The ministry of education's private education department is implementing strict rules for both visitors and employees to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The entrance is blocked by several security personnel preventing anyone from entering the facilities and dealing with employees directly. The rule is that all transactions must start from the entrance, and all papers will be screened from there and will be delivered to the respective employees or officers for signing or completion. After the signing and completion of the documents, all the papers will be delivered back at the gate and will be handed over to clients.

"Our new procedure is because we want zero contact with people in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in case there are carriers among the visitors. All the clients are instructed to sit in the lobby and wait for 10-15 minutes, and the papers will be delivered to them," said Sanad Mohammed Al-Mutairi, Director of the Ministry of Education's Private Education Department in Mubarak Al-Kabeer governorate.

At the entry gate, rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizers are available and anyone who arrives is advised to use them. Employees are directed to undergo temperature checks in a room inside the compound, and anyone found to have fever or any symptoms will not be permitted to enter the facility. Facemasks and sanitizers are also provided to employees for free at the entry gate. "We have placed this area under strict regulations to prevent any sort of disease to penetrate and affect our daily activities here. We are concerned of the situation and want to help the government in making our country and its people safe at all times," Mutairi said.

Most ministries and major companies in Kuwait are doing the same to prevent the spread of the virus. Most biometric systems have been replaced by cards, canteens that were open to employees can now only be visited by designated staff, and most people walking around are now wearing masks.

The Public Authority for Food and Nutrition has instructed workers at restaurants and hotels in Kuwait to wear masks and gloves and instructed them to provide sanitizers for their clients. "We can help the government resolve the problem of coronavirus. The number of those infected is increasing daily, but God willing, vaccines will be discovered soon to dispel the fear from people," Mutairi noted.